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Writer's pictureTHE LUMINARY

The Reason Why Pediatric Therapists Say NO to Gadgets

Let’s start this one by saying that we should not demonize the use of gadgets, because let’s face it, whether we like it or not, our kids will grow up in a world where gadget is as common to functioning as breathing. It’s a bit exaggerated but you get the idea. Can you even think of yourself surviving a day, gadget-less? No television, radio, cellphones? Goodluck.

When kids look at a screen, they can spend hours doing so while sitting without being bothered. Parents think that it’s a good thing, because their child is ‘well-behaved’, but then again, problems arise when the screen is removed, and the kid is faced to deal with real life to do things that children are supposed to do- playing, studying, feeding, and learning how to care for the self and more.

Behavioral problems or tantrums are evident for the younger kids, as they have limited means to express themselves, and they just can’t figure out why would someone want to remove their source of entertainment or fun.

When their brains are engaged on the screen, the world literally goes away, and when that happens a lot of learning opportunities pass them by.

If you look up away from the screen, you can see other people doing actions, expressing emotions through their faces, gestures; you can learn how things are used appropriately; how to deal with errors- such as when the milk spilled on the floor; or how you are going to comfort a crying friend when he fell down from the swing. The screen takes away a lot of life’s opportunities that could have been used to aid in the development of your child. Then we wonder. What have we done wrong?

Like I said, technology is not the enemy, but it’s the irresponsible use of it. Gadget-use can open a whole world of possibilities, but if used irresponsibly, it can literally drain and take life away from you and your child.

So, what do we do then?

You have to establish authority with your child first, to let her or him know that when daddy or mommy says time’s up, you have to stop using the gadget. For smaller kids, they have to understand that when it’s over, they have to stop, without throwing a behavioral fit.

Next, you have to make your child learn the importance of routine and boundaries- that you may use your gadgets but you have to do your other tasks too such as doing chores, hanging out with friends, or studying.

Then, engage your kids in interesting and fun activities that they can do alone or with friends- because a vast amount of skills can be learned by doing, by playing and by tinkering with things rather than just sitting for hours, with a tablet in both hands.

Lastly, as the parent or the adult, model appropriate behaviors of gadget use. How can you tell your child to stop wasting time using gadgets when you are just beside her or him, doing the same thing?

Let’s use our gadgets responsibly.

Until you read from me again.

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